Done-For-You Apple Podcasts® Show Subscription Setup (Affiliate Partnership)


Unlock a new podcast revenue stream by offering early-access, ad-free listening, bonus episodes, and more through Apple Podcasts subscriptions. Don't miss out on this enticing opportunity to meet your listeners where they already tune in and have the ability to access your premium content with only a single, effortless tap on their mobile device.

If you have reached this form by mistake and your podcast does not consistently receive over 500 downloads per episode on a weekly release schedule, please click here to be redirected to our paid service, as we would still be thrilled to assist you!

Affiliate Partnership Agreement*

This complimentary service is designed to assist you in setting up your show subscriptions through Apple Podcasts. While we typically charge a fee for this service, we consider offering it free of charge to select podcasters who consistently receive a minimum of 500 downloads per episode on a weekly release schedule. In return, you agree to use our affiliate link when directing your audience to your subscription offering or show on Apple Podcasts. By using our affiliate link, we receive a commission from Apple Podcasts' percentage of the revenue share, which does not impact the percentage of revenue that you take home. We strive to provide transparency and value to our clients, ensuring a mutually beneficial arrangement. If you prefer to pay full rate and forego an affiliate partnership, please refer to the link above.

Required field!
Your Name:* Required field!
Your Email Address (this is where we will contact you in response to this form):* Required field!
Do you represent a company? Please share company website if so: Required field!
What is the name of the podcast for which you would like to set up Apple Podcasts subscriptions? Required field!
Link to podcast on Apple Podcasts:* Required field!
How often do you release a new episode?* Required field!
How many downloads on average does each episode receive within the first 90 days of publishing?* Required field!
How did you hear about this service? Required field!
Anything else you think would be helpful for us to know? Required field!

© 2022-2024 PODFLUENCER BRANDS INC. All rights reserved. Serving clients in Nashville, TN and worldwide.

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